#ShowUpforShabbat #SolidarityShabbat
Last Shabbat, we witnessed the deadliest act of anti-Semitism in North American history. This Shabbat, we respond with our greatest show of solidarity and we invite people of all faiths, from all across Greater Atlanta to #ShowUpForShabbat. Together,
We can rise above hatred and violence.
Friday and Saturday, November 2-3
#SolidarityShabbat is a national effort to honor the lives lost in Pittsburgh and come together as a community that will not be intimidated by hate. No matter what your background, you and your loved ones will find a warm welcome in our shuls. Invite a friend, bring your kids, ask a neighbor to come. It’s all about showing up!
Earlier this week, more than 90 Atlanta Jewish organizations and 45 interfaith organizations united with Pittsburgh and committed to combating bigotry. Now, we're building upon this moment of communal strength. See you in synagogue!
Looking for opportunities to come together before Shabbat?
Unite Against Hate Rally November 1 | 10 am | Atlanta City Hall
Join JCRC in an initial Unite Against Hate Rally. Seize your chance to speak out against hate and build connections of friendship that will help change the tenor of the conversations in this country. Learn more.
Even more ways to come together on our website.
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta cares for, connects, and strengthens our Greater Atlanta Jewish community for the benefit of the Jewish people. Our vision is a thriving and connected 21st century Jewish Atlanta where every Jew and their loved ones can access warm Jewish community, timeless Jewish wisdom, global Jewish peoplehood and Jewish ways to do good in the world.